I (“Participant”) want to participate in the Frank and Pauline Patterson Lecture Series Spring Colloquy 2025 (“Event”) affiliated with B.H. Carroll Theological Seminary (BHCTS) and East Texas Baptist University (“ETBU”), both Texas nonprofit corporations. “University” means ETBU as a corporate entity, as well its employees, agents, officers, representatives, attorneys, and trustees. “Participant” means the person named above and all derivative legal rights including parents, spouse, children, heirs or personal representatives.
In consideration of ETBU’s agreement to transport me to and from the Shreveport airport and around campus in University vehicles and vans, provide campus lodging, and otherwise allow my participation in various activities during the Event, all of which is voluntarily, I agree to release and indemnify the University pursuant to the terms of this Agreement.
I affirm that I am physically capable of the physical activity required for the Event, and acknowledge that I am aware this Event will include inherent risks of physical injury while a passenger in vehicles or while participating in campus activities or using campus lodging. I understand and acknowledge that a risk of personal injury and property damage to my body or my belongings is present during the entire Event, and agree to assume all such risks.
Therefore I agree, individually and on behalf of my spouse, children, heirs or personal representatives, to assume all risks and responsibilities surrounding my participation in the Event, and forever release and promise not to sue the University for any damages or injury, including death, caused by or arising directly or indirectly out of my participation in the Event. By signing below, I COMPLETELY RELEASE AND FOREVER DISCHARGE THE UNIVERSITY, ITS EMPLOYEES, REPRESENTATIVES, AGENTS, OFFICERS, ATTORNEYS, AND TRUSTEES, FROM ANY AND ALL CLAIMS, INJURIES, LAWSUITS, AND LIABILITY OR POTENTIAL LIABILITY, INCLUDING THE NEGLIGENT CONDUCT OF ANY OF ONE OR MORE OF THEM. This release includes any claims against the University related to any loss, damage, or injury, suffering and death that may be sustained by me or by any property belonging to me which arises out of, results from, occurs during, or is connected in any manner, directly or indirectly, with the Event and all activities related thereto. This release includes all claims based on tort, common law, or city, state or federal statutes, regulations or ordinances, including but not limited to negligence or negligent entrustment, intentional conduct including intentional infliction of emotional distress, and breaches of contract, fiduciary duty, consumer protection statutes, product or strict liability, and city, state or federal statutes, regulations, and ordinances.
I agree to indemnify, defend and hold harmless the University from any and all liability, loss, damage or expense, including attorney’s fees and all expenses of litigation, which arises out of the Event, whether such act or omission occurs during a supervised or controlled activity of the Event or otherwise. THIS INDEMNIFICATION EXPRESSLY INCLUDES INDEMNIFICATION OF THE UNIVERSITY FOR CLAIMS BASED ON THE UNIVERSITY’S NEGLIGENCE OR OTHER LIABILITY FOR ANY ACTS OR OMISSIONS OF THE UNIVERSITY, WHICH INCLUDES ITS EMPLOYEES, REPRESENTATIVES, AGENTS, OFFICERS, ATTORNEYS, AND TRUSTEES.
I agree to comply with ETBU’s rules, standards and instructions for faculty/staff behavior, and that ETBU has the right to enforce those standards and impose sanctions, up to and including expulsion from the Event for violating these standards or for any behavior detrimental to or incompatible with the interest, harmony, and welfare of the Event or other participants. ALCOLHOL IS PROHIBITED AT ALL TIMES.
I grant permission to the University to take and publish photographs, digital and electronic images, video, livestream images, and audio recordings of me for use in ETBU or BHC promotional or educational materials, including printed or electronic communications, publications, web sites or other video communications. I authorize the use of these materials indefinitely without compensation to me.
This Release is governed by the laws of the State of Texas, with exclusive venue in Harrison County, Texas.
Your registration submission indicates your understanding and agreement to all terms of this Release and Indemnity Agreement.