The Frank E. & Pauline Patterson Lecture Series
Spring Colloquy 2025

May 19‑20, 2025

Jesus and the Pharisees:
Context, Law, and Hypocrisy

Jesus and the Pharisees:
Context, Law, and Hypocrisy

Jesus and the Pharisees:
Context, Law, and Hypocrisy

Jesus and the Pharisees:
Context, Law, and Hypocrisy

Jesus and the Pharisees:
Context, Law, and Hypocrisy

The featured speaker for The Frank E. & Pauline Patterson Lecture Series - Spring Colloquy 2025 is Dr. Scot McKnight.

Dr. McKnight will be speaking on Jesus and the Pharisees, presented in the course of three lectures.

Lecture One:
Lecture Two:
Lecture Three:


Guest Speaker

Dr. Scot McKnight

Dr. Scot McKnight

Scot McKnight (PhD, University of Nottingham) is a world-renowned New Testament scholar, speaker, historian of early Christianity, theologian, and author who has written widely on the historical Jesus, early Christianity and Christian living. He is the author of The Jesus Creed, The Blue Parakeet, The King Jesus Gospel, Revelation for the Rest of Us, and numerous commentaries.



East Texas Baptist University Campus
East Texas Baptist University Campus

Great Commission Center
One Tiger Dr
Marshall, TX 75670

Preliminary Schedule

    • May
    • 19
    • Monday
    • 1:45pm—2:15pm
      Welcome and Opening Worship; Introductions
    • 2:15pm—3:15pm
      Lecture One:
    • 3:15pm—3:30pm
      Coffee Break
    • 3:30pm—4:00pm
      Q&A with Dr. McKnight
    • 5:00pm—5:45pm
      Student Presentations
    • 6:00pm
    • May
    • 20
    • Tuesday
    • 8:30am—9:30am
      Coffee Available
    • 9:45am—10:15am
      Welcome and Morning Worship; Introductions
    • 10:15am—11:15am
      Lecture Two:
    • 11:15am—11:45am
      Q&A with Dr. McKnight
    • 12:00pm—1:15pm
      Lunch Break
    • 1:15pm—1:30pm
      Announcements and Introductions
    • 1:30pm—2:30pm
      Lecture Three:
    • 2:30pm—2:45pm
      Coffee Break
    • 2:45pm—3:15pm
      Q&A with Dr. McKnight
    • 3:15pm—3:30pm
      Closing Remarks and Benediction

    Register Now

    Please provide your First Name
    Please provide your Last Name
    We'll never share your email with anyone else.
    Please provide a valid email.
    Attendance required
    Accomodations required
    Please bring Full Sheets and Bath towels/washcloths for the dorm rooms. These items will not be provided for you. All guests will stay in Centennial Hall on campus.
    Are you bringing your Spouse? required
    (please register spouse separately) required
    Please select day and time of check in: required
    Will you need a shuttle from Shreveport Airport to ETBU? required
    A representative will contact you later for more flight information
    Will you need a return shuttle to Shreveport? required
    Are you a currently enrolled PhD or DMin student? required

    On campus dining is available in the Student Center (Chick-Fil-A) and at area restaurants.

    Will you be attending the Free Luncheon on Tuesday? required
    Will your spouse be attending the Free Lunch? required
    Are you an ETBU Christian Studies Faculty Member or B. H. Carroll Faculty Member? required
    Will you be attending the Free Luncheon on Tuesday? required
    Will your spouse be attending the Free Lunch? required
    Will you be attending the Monday evening dinner? required
    Will your spouse be attending the Monday evening dinner? required


    May 19-20, 2025




    Great Commission Center
    One Tiger Dr
    Marshall, TX 75670

