Frank & Pauline Patterson
Lecture Series Fall 2024

November 18‑19, 2024

Theological Education as Lifelong Communal Relationship

Theological Education as Lifelong Communal Relationship

Theological Education as Lifelong Communal Relationship

Theological Education as Lifelong Communal Relationship

Theological Education as Lifelong Communal Relationship

The featured speaker for the Fall 2024 Frank and Pauline Patterson Lecture Series is Dr. Octavio Javier Esqueda.

Dr. Esqueda will be speaking on Theological Education in three lectures.

Lecture One:
Our Relationship with the Triune God

Our triune God is a person to love, not a book to study, principles to believe, or a confessional statement to affirm. We do practical theology when we think about our God, connect with the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit, and align our lives to God’s ways. For this reason, theological education is the communal process of falling in love with our Creator.

Lecture Two:
Our Relationship with Ourselves, our Students, and our Context

We teach who and whose we are with Jesus as the Lord of our lives. Theological education involves students created in God’s image and indwelt by the Holy Spirit to represent God in their context for God’s glory.

Lecture Three:
Our Relationship with Previous Theological Educators (The Spanish Reformation)

The Spanish Reformation produced outstanding educators who modeled the foundational principles of theological education. We are invited to continue God’s work in this world, and the Reformation promoted positive practices to imitate and negative practices to avoid as we learn from our past.


Guest Speaker

Dr. Octavio Javier Esqueda

Dr. Octavio Javier Esqueda

Octavio Javier Esqueda is a full professor of Christian higher education and director of the Ph.D. and Ed.D. programs in educational studies at the Talbot School of Theology at Biola University. He graduated from the University of Guadalajara, Dallas Theological Seminary, and the University of North Texas, where he earned a Ph.D. in higher education. Dr. Esqueda has several publications on theological education, Christian higher education, and literature, including the coauthored books Anointed Teaching: Partnership with the Holy Spirit, The Cruciform Faculty: The Making of a Christian Professor, and The Hispanic Faculty Experience: Opportunities for Growth and Retention in Christian Higher Education. He is an academic leader and practical theologian with worldwide experience and is an avid soccer fan.

Octavio Javier Esqueda es profesor titular de educación superior cristiana y director de los programas de doctorado en la Facultad de Teología Talbot de la Universidad de Biola. Es licenciado por la Universidad de Guadalajara, el Seminario Teológico de Dallas y la Universidad del Norte de Texas, donde obtuvo un doctorado en educación superior. El Dr. Esqueda tiene varias publicaciones sobre educación teológica, educación superior cristiana y literatura, incluyendo los libros en coautoría Anointed Teaching: Partnership with the Holy Spirit, The Cruciform Faculty: The Making of a Christian Professor, y The Hispanic Faculty Experience: Opportunities for Growth and Retention in Christian Higher Education. Es un líder académico y teólogo práctico con experiencia en todo el mundo y es un ávido aficionado al fútbol.



First Baptist Church Arlington

First Baptist Church Arlington

301 S Center St
Arlington, TX 76010


    • November
    • 18
    • Monday
    • 1:45pm—2:15pm
      Welcome and Opening Worship; Introductions
    • 2:15pm—3:15pm
      Lecture One:
      “Our Relationship with the Triune God”
    • 3:15pm—3:30pm
      Coffee Break
    • 3:30pm—4:00pm
      Q&A with Dr. Esqueda
    • 5:30pm—6:30pm
      Carroll Family Supper
    • November
    • 19
    • Tuesday
    • 8:30am—9:30am
      Coffee Available
    • 9:45am—10:15am
      Welcome and Morning Worship; Introductions
    • 10:15am—11:15am
      Lecture Two:
      “Our Relationship with Ourselves, our Students, and our Context”
    • 11:15am—11:45am
      Q&A with Dr. Esqueda
    • 12:00pm—1:15pm
      Lunch Break
    • 1:15pm—1:30pm
      Announcements and Introductions
    • 1:30pm—2:30pm
      Lecture Three:
      “Our Relationship with Previous Theological Educators (The Spanish Reformation)”
    • 2:30pm—2:45pm
      Coffee Break
    • 2:45pm—3:15pm
      Q&A with Dr. Esqueda
    • 3:15pm—3:30pm
      Closing Remarks and Benediction

    Register Now

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    *Dinner will be catered from BBQ Restaurant and may contain allergens.

    *Lunch will be catered from Jason’s Deli and may contain allergens.
    Click here to see a list of Resturants in Downtown Arlington
    A downloadable list link will be included in your email confirmation.


    November 18-19, 2024




    301 S Center St
    Arlington, TX 76010

